One Picture/One Paragraph
Lynne Tillman
My shadow looked enormous, portentous in my large black coat.
Scott MacLeod
I stand naked at the window looking out over Belgrade, wondering.
Gabriella Sturchio
I found a silver lining by perceiving the beauty that is shared within the frail body.
Amy Luo
“A person absent from his own pain is doubly painful.”
Angelika Rinnhofer
She was not a student when she took the image of her feet.
Alice Rose George
It’s a tulip, a lollypop, a mysterious thing from the underworld.
Rahne Alexander
The museum was full of art from the American West, which included grisly realist paintings of murder…
Paola Ferrario
I smiled at the unexpected memento mori that had suddenly materialized in my hands.
Ivar Brynjolfsson
The thought process sometimes changes the perception of the photograph.