One Picture/One Paragraph

Linda S. Viens

This picture was taken at Sakonett Point, RI, in the late afternoon on a cloudy July day

Yoni Zonszein

There is a window. On one side of the window is a room. The room is taller than it is wide.

Cindy Rehm

I could only think of Bataille as I slipped the picture inside a book in my bag.

Kathy O’Dell

How gracefully disciplined their pose. 1953: The year JFK and Jackie got married

Marco Breuer

One? Just one? The problem with snapshots is precisely that you can’t pick just one.

Renee van der Stelt

Everything changes, even when standing still.

Oliver Wasow

Forget the proverbial thousand words, this picture isn’t talking.

Hollie Lavenstein

As a teacher of filmmaking, I’ve become interested over the years in a peculiar genre of photograph—stills taken from student films.

Marina Berio

Recently, I enclosed myself in a completely dark room and made some self-portraits.