One Picture/One Paragraph

Zoltan Jokay

Recently I discovered this photograph and I read it’s story and both my mind and heart were touched.

Wes Kline

Sixteen days at sea with a cargo of hay, matches, stallions, and monkeys.

Ericka McDonald

I’ve always been attracted to fear.

Martin Cox

If you look carefully, you can see that the street is approximately one hundred million years long.

Donald Burgy

Death blowing bubbles.

Melinda Barlow

I love that its ghoulish aspect is laced with tenderness.

Laura Parker

Channeling the kid that drew the picture that I found at Eaton Canyon.

Sharon Harper

We walk into a room and displace air. We hardly notice.

Ann Shafer

As much as I love good drawing, I also appreciate the technical prowess necessary to create this print.