One Picture/One Paragraph

Ken Pizzo

A photograph doesn’t start with a blank canvas, but it does start with a full palette.

Santiago Echeverry

There is something almost magical about those lions.

Cyriaco Lopes

I am still stranded, hypnotized by this book, in that island.

Amir Zaki

I love nostalgia and beauty as much as I love brutal reality.

Joseph Faura

The more I look at this photograph, the more I try to decode the moment it preserves.

Elisabeth Dahl

Megalith in Peach

Peter Schmader

I stood at the food truck parked along the curb on St. Claude between Piety and Desire.

Patrick Lears

It was snowing heavily and the streetlight only barely revealed a sort of snow city encampment.

Ding Ren

A portal into China, found while wandering the streets of Lisbon.