One Picture/One Paragraph
Jenna Boyles
I felt a connection between the music, my action, and the surroundings.
Thomas Boram III
In this room the Secret Three carry out their gestures.
Sheila McLaughlin
I went to photograph in Ireland for many months, unsure of what I was looking for.
Gilda Davidian
In the background is a domed hospital where most of my friends were born and some of our relatives died.
Mimi Plumb
My mother told me that there might be a nuclear war.
Bernard Yenelouis
I am struck by the predominance of cigarettes & priests & a general grimness to the event.
Beatriz Bufrahi
The picture was taken in a group home for troubled adolescents in Stuttgart.
Max Kuiper
an almost lost light is saved
Liese Ricketts
There is a four way stop known, by locals, as Shoe Corner.