Cindy Rehm
Cindy Rehm from The Hysterics, collage, gouache and ink on paper 22″ x 30″, 2012
Cindy Rehm from The Hysterics, collage, gouache and ink on paper 22″ x 30″, 2012
Cindy Rehm from The Hysterics, collage, gouache and ink on paper 22″ x 30″, 2012
Cindy Rehm, Virgin/Whore, collage on paper 8″ x 10″ each, 2013
Cindy Rehm from Diary of a Young Medium, collage on paper 12″ x 18″, 2013
Cindy Rehm from Diary of a Young Medium, collage on paper 12″ x 18″, 2013
Cindy Rehm from Diary of a Young Medium, collage on paper 12″ x 18″, 2013
Cindy Rehm is a Los Angeles based artist and educator. Her interdisciplinary practice addresses the complex relationship between the female body, representation, and myth. She is the co-founder of Craftswoman House, which recently launched Temporary Residence, a series of feminist centered roving projects staged in public and private spaces.