Philipp Aldrup
“It is advisable to look from the tide pool to the stars and then back to the tide pool again.” – John Steinbeck
Tidal pools are spaces caught between the extremely different forces of land and sea; they know the silent glare of sunlight and the surging power of ocean tides. They are caught between the logical forces of the rational and the unpredictable forces of the absurd – holding yesteryear’s dreams, today’s chimaera, tomorrow’s fleeting love, the next centuries’ great disasters; all these fragments slowly drifting towards the bottom of the ocean of time… disquietingly silent. In the future, when nearly everything has been flattened and streamlined into a simulacra of reality, they might carry the narratives for alternatives. Maybe one has to descend to the tidal pools’ ground in order to discover – whether you see stars or you see dirt, it is OK.